07846 492758

Foreign Language Translation

This is a new service that  we’ve recently introduced. Presently drawings may be translated from Spanish to English and vice versa; French to English and vice Versa. In the future many more translation services will be supplied.

However all languages are considered for drawing translation. 

It is often found especially in the UK that there are many English speaking engineers but there is a lack of engineers who combine languages with technical engineering. We can provide both.

The drawings can therafter be updated to include additional changes and updates.

Preferred Language

There are many historic and legacy manuals, technical documents and drawings that need translating. Many shipping vessels contain foreign translations that require translation. This is where The Works Design Services can help.

In recent years there have been instances whereby clients have had building construction drawings in a foreign language. In certain instances drawings can be re-produced in CAD format in the preferred language.